
Amni was established in 1993 as a Nigerian oil and gas exploration and production company at a time when few such Nigerian companies existed and the Nigerian offshore E & P industry was entirely the domain of international oil companies.

1993 - 1994

Incorporation of the company as a Nigerian oil and gas exploration and production company.
Oil Prospecting Licence (OPL) 469 is acquired.

1995 - 1996

Exploration and drilling activities commenced. A joint venture was established with a technical partner Liberty Technical Services, a subsidiary company of Abacan Resources of Canada. Production activities commenced in the IMA field.

1997 - 1998

OPL 469 was converted to Oil Mining Lease (OML) 112 for a term of 20 years. The partnership between Amni and Liberty was dissolved. Amni assumed sole operatorship of the concession. Over six million barrels of oil were produced and exported.

1999 - 2008

OPL 237 was converted to OML 117. Setu field was discovered in the eastern part of OML 112. Production from Okoro field started.

2012 - 2013

Additional production wells were drilled and put on the line to increase field producibility. New reservoirs were discovered at Okoro East. Management Buy-Out of existing Amni shareholders was completed.

Two additional production wells were drilled and put on the line. Amni expands to Ghana with the acquisition of an 85% working interest in the Central Tano Basin Block, awarded to a subsidiary company, Amni International Petroleum Development Company (Ghana) Limited.


Acquired 40% Equity in OML 52, a shallow water block located 10km North of the IMA field in OML 112. A new Field Development Plan (FDP) for Okoro was approved by the Department of Petroleum Resources.


Completed a $260 Million Facility with GTB/SHELL to consolidate all Amni facilities and Drill additional development wells in the Okoro Field. Completed a successful pilot and two well drilling and completion effort as part of the Further Field Development in the Okoro Field, OML 112.


Commenced Tubu (OML 52) development programme. Installed the pipelines and umbilical to Langley OPU at Tubu field. Constructed 2 predrilled wells to the upper reservoirs in the Tubu field to expedite early oil production. Discovered an additional oil reservoir with a thickness of 88 feet, resulting in an upgrade of reserves. Secured a transformative $326 million facility with GTBank to drive key project development.


Updated Tubu oil development plan to account for upgraded reserves base. Tubu oil development plan agreed with NNPCL. Agreed carry funding agreement terms with NNPCL. Alongside partners commenced development and commercialization studies for gas resources.